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two people standing on the edge of a mountain ridge

All the Speculation: Mitsubishi $350MM Loss

Try not to roll your eyes. Another rogue trader. It’s pretty early days, but we can probably make some reasonable assumptions about what happened based on Mitsubishi’s Petro Diamond Singapore division’s brief explanation: Mitsubishi Petro Diamond Singapore stated the trader, “Was discovered to have been repeatedly engaging in unauthorized derivatives transactions and disguising them to

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Cloud Mountain ETL

What is Data Warehouse ETL?

Data Warehouse ETL is a series of processes that: Extract data from across an organization Transform data to facilitate consumption Load data a relational or non-relational data store All for the purpose of facilitating business intelligence, reporting, analysis, data science, and other activities. Let’s Unpack This:  Problem: It’s common business problem. Important data is siloed.

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sailboat full of people

Big Changes for eConfirm

ICE has rolled out new eConfirm API changes! In the old ICE eConfirm API you could only send messages by file in XML. ICE gave this a nice buff with the new REST API because you can interact with it using: plain text, HTML, XML, JSON, YAML and others. It’s a big step forward. eConfirm

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dirt path fading over a mountain with clouds

Unpacking Software Lies

Here is the truth. In software sales, it literally pays to lie. That’s the number one thing you need to know when you are buying. Whether you are buying ERP software, HR software or something else core to your business, you must watch out for the traps. Here’s the two big kinds of software lies:

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Mountainous view

Terrible Ideas and AI

Sometime around the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the world hatched one of the absolute worst ideas mankind ever had: How do I get a human being to behave like a machine? It’s not one of those loud soapbox type ideas. Rather, it’s one of those quiet, pernicious, ideas that cut a deep trough through

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top of mountain peering out from clouds

Fixed Width to Tableau

Here is a Riddle for the Ages:  I provide eternal life to IBM and am the original gangster of big data. What am I? If you guessed Watson…please see yourself out. Love ‘em or hate ‘em mainframes are here to stay. Actually, scratch that…no one loves mainframes, but there really is no getting rid of

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red fallen leaves

ICE Bakkt Explained

“Bakkt is designed to serve as a scalable on-ramp for institutional, merchant, and consumer participation in digital assets by promoting greater efficiency, security, and utility.”-Kelly Loeffler OK, maybe Loeffler is being cautious, but this is about as vague as you can get. Sprecher, the CEO of ICE, who is backing all of this is a

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