Data Prep

Pros and Cons of Using Redshift in Enterprise IT

The Appeal of Amazon Redshift Amazon’s cloud-based data warehousing service has become one of the leading petabyte-scale stores of data that works with K3 ETL tools. Moreover, with a globally-known company like Amazon developing and maintaining this service, its reputation for service must be top-notch—right? Like its competitor Snowflake, Amazon Redshift has a few big […]

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Pros and Cons of Using Snowflake Data Cloud in Enterprise IT

First off, let’s ask: “What’s so great about Snowflake?” Lots and lots of discussion about Snowflake. It’s new and novel. As with any technology, there are pros and cons. Let’s talk about that! While Snowflake data warehouses offer nice “pros” to businesses when compared to traditional data warehouse offerings, it’s important to understand the contrasting

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SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) Pros, Cons, and Fragility

When you consider processes that are absolutely essential to your IT department, data transformation is at the top of the list. Since everything else relies on the data undergirding your decisions, the right applications can make the difference in terms of speed and quality. ince everything else relies on the data undergirding your decisions, the

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How to Make Mainframe Data Accessible for Data Visualization Tools like Tableau, Microsoft BI and Qlik K3

How to Make Mainframe Data Accessible for Data Visualization Tools: Three Suggestions

Big data analytics are increasingly defined by data visualization tools. The ability to gain insight from KPI dashboards and visualize data beyond pie charts and bar graphs is one of the benefits of business intelligence—and, increasingly, a key competitive advantage for businesses. Broadpeak Partners data integration tools can bring your data visualization dreams into reality,

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