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Where Does MySQL Fit Into The World Of Data Management? K3

Where Does MySQL Fit In the World of Data Management?

The world of data management has evolved greatly since the first MySQL relational database debuted in 1995. Back then, cutting-edge tools like K3 ETL were not yet available, and many once-popular database tools and legacy architectures have vanished. Yet MySQL isn’t just still around—it is, in fact, one of the world’s most popular database management

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Marketing Analytics & Data with K3 Low Code ETL Short Form Blog

The big data analytics market is growing at a rapid rate, from an estimated market size of $8.5 billion in 2017 to over $40 billion by 2023. This massive investment in digital transformation requires companies to be data smart: using data science to transform information into insight. Data analytics for digital marketing, in particular, can

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What is Data Orchestration K3

What is Data Orchestration? A How-To and Benefits Guide

The world of data management has advanced considerably in the past few years. On-site data storage is rapidly giving way to cloud solutions like Redshift and Snowflake, enabling not only more effective data movement, but entire new possibilities for optimizing operations. Data orchestration describes the process of connecting data across an increasingly complex ecosystem, building

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ETL Data Warehouse

What Is Data Warehouse ETL?

What Is Data Warehouse ETL? Data Warehouse ETL is a series of processes: Extract data from across an organization; Transform data for consumption; Load data to a relational or non-relational data store;    Use this data to facilitate business intelligence, reporting, analytics, data science, and other activities. Let’s Unpack This: Any time one moves data there

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Data Prep for Data Science K3

Data Prep for Data Science

As companies look towards data science and its future, the focus is increasingly on big data use cases. Even small to mid-sized companies generate massive amounts of data compared to just a few years ago, highlighting the importance of being data smart: using data science to transform information into insight. Broadpeak Partners helps companies improve

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K3 Versus Matillion

K3 Versus Matillion

When it comes to enterprise data transformation, businesses have a number of options for cloud-based data management services. One provider, Matillion, has offered ETL and data warehousing tools since 2011—yet how do their services stack up when compared to K3 ETL? Let’s take a deeper dive into the similarities and differences between these two platforms

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How to Make Mainframe Data Accessible for Data Visualization Tools like Tableau, Microsoft BI and Qlik K3

How to Make Mainframe Data Accessible for Data Visualization Tools: Three Suggestions

Big data analytics are increasingly defined by data visualization tools. The ability to gain insight from KPI dashboards and visualize data beyond pie charts and bar graphs is one of the benefits of business intelligence—and, increasingly, a key competitive advantage for businesses. BroadPeak’s data integration tools can bring your data visualization dreams into reality, even

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H1 How Do You Manage On-premise Data Integration K3

How Do You Manage On-premise Data Integration?

When it comes to data integration, the goal is consolidation of data from different sources into a single location for easy and consistent access for users, regardless of data structure.  Oftentimes, businesses working with on-premise data integrations have huge amounts of historical information stored within legacy systems, which can create headaches for those managing data

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Solving Legacy Application Data Integration Problems with K3 Low-Code ETL

Let’s face it.  You are stuck with your legacy applications.  Unlike, the Delta fraternity house in the movie Animal House, this kind of legacy is not exactly the life of the party. Chances are, yours are probably old, monolithic, single-purpose, expensive to operate, stubborn, and a little more than fragile. Replace?  Many careers have been

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