Big Changes for eConfirm

ICE has rolled out new eConfirm API changes!

In the old ICE eConfirm API you could only send messages by file in XML.  ICE gave this a nice buff with the new REST API because you can interact with it using: plain text, HTML, XML, JSON, YAML and others.  It’s a big step forward. eConfirm also unbundled the APIs such that they are less monolith like.  (More discreet APIs doing specific things).

The other two big things is brokers and counterparties are now done in the same API.  Error messages have more character and better explanations.

Last but not least:  There’s just deeper data validation.   The key to making this easy is ensuring the data sent to ICE is in the correct ICE format. 

Right now the old API and the new API are running in parallel.  But we understand the old API will be deprecated sometime next year.

If you have not started your eConfirm migration give us a call.  No matter what system you use we’ve boiled this down to a science.  Likewise we are ALWAYS happy to field questions.

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