BroadPeak will be at SIFMA Tech 2014

Come and say hello to us at the SIFMA Tech conference, June 17 & 18 2014.

SIFMA Tech is an annual convention where participants discuss and explore the role of technology in financial services. BroadPeak will be exhibiting at booth #1423. Different members of the BroadPeak team will be at our booth across the 2 days so if you’re looking forward to meeting any one of us in particular let us know who and we can arrange a meeting in advance.

Like a lot of the conferences we’ve been attending of late, it looks like the hot topic of SIFMA Tech is going to be compliance especially Dodd-Frank, EMIR / REMIT and FATCA. With more and more regulations impacting financial services firms across the world the compliance bias is no surprise.

BroadPeak is hosting a learning lab session on Tuesday at 4pm where Gordon Allott will be discussing these issues as well as common trading system integration issues.  Participants will also have the opportunity to view K3 and quiz Gordon. The learning lab theater is next to the Nassau Suite, be sure to stop by on Tuesday at 4pm. Here’s a link to all the Learning Labs.

Which exhibitors are you most looking forward to visiting? On the speaker side this blogger is hoping to be able to sneak off and see the former CEO of Kayak’s presentation on Wednesday.

Follow our tweets from #SifmaTech @BroadPeakInc

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