You don't need to be a developer to get data done.

sample bell curve graph

Streaming ETL Tools to Drive Intelligence

Enterprise Data comes from everywhere (software, databases, files).
K3 enables users to pull all of those sources together faster and easier than any other tool on the market.

K3 works with every B.I. tool on the market.

K3 Streaming ETL lets you:

  • Gather data from every enterprise source
  • Define ETL mapping and rules to create harmonized data
  • Project harmonized data to a database (Blend into Database)
  • Connect B.I. tools to a database directly
  • Iterate through changes to data structures and output
  • Build institutional reporting capabilities

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What is Streaming ETL?


Harmonize Everything

Bring your data into K3. Harmonize it using an intuitive ETL interface.

Then what? Output a file for reporting? Not here. Blend into Database (BiDB) to manifest your work permanently. Let your work be updated as your sources are refreshed.


User Compatibility

Make changes in the User Interface which automatically change the structure of your reporting database.
  • Manifest and maintain your data
  • Iterate until correct
  • Make changes as required
  • Manage streaming data

Why K3 Is a Different Blend

empty blue cube inside a blue gear symbol

Because You Need Something More Powerful

If you are a data scientist, then you know. 90% of your time is spent on data prep. We're here to change that in a big way. While desktop tools that crank out files are great, at some point you are going to drive your Tableau, Spotfire, Qlik reports from a database. K3 is unique in that it's the only blending application that drives database structure changes directly from the User Interface. Yep, when you add a column in K3, it automatically adds that column in the database. What Database? Any Database. Whether you prefer MSSQL, PostGres, Oracle, MySQL or any other database.

We Just Listened

Why did we do this? Because it's what data scientists want. If you regularly work with Tableau, Spotfire, QlikView or any other BI tool the message is clear: Give me raw data easily. Give me my own database. Give me a Rules Engine. Make that blending tool drive database changes so I don't have to do it twice!

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