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Top 5 Energy Merchant Utilizes BroadPeak’s Compliance Tech For Optimal Risk Management

Industry: Energy and Commodity
Product: BroadPeak’s K3 Data Integration platform, Position Limits module, Regulatory Reporting module
Purpose: The clients was seeking for a scalable and reliable solution to achieve compliance with various regulatory requirements.

Top 5 Energy Merchant Utilizes BroadPeak’s Compliance Tech For Optimal Risk Management Read More »

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EMIR TR Approvals – Two big Omissions

In case you did not already know, last week the European regulatory authority ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) approved 4 of the 6 applicants as official Trade Repositories (TR’s) for derivatives trade reporting under EMIR regulations. We do expect the remaining two to be approved shortly…more on that below. This means the deadline of

EMIR TR Approvals – Two big Omissions Read More »

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