So boring…we read it so you don’t have to

IOSCO.  Who are they?  Remember when the G20 got together post financial crisis and agreed to implement things like Dodd-Frank, EMIR, MiFID, MAS etc?  Well, this is the group who monitors how it’s all going.  Kind of the pantheon of the global financial regulators. International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). Here is the LINK.

Recap In 2011 IOSCO put down some principles

  • Closely monitoring the progression of electronic trading
  • Ensuring access to information in a global market
  • Monitoring cross market manipulation
  • Monitoring the impact of futures trading on commodity markets
  • Expanding regulation into OTC markets
  • Ensuring regulation of market participants

The new stuff on IOSCOs agenda

  • Monitoring new types of trading venues
  • Adopting principles for oil reporting agencies
  • Direct market access by end users
  • Reliance on electronic data
  • Sustainability and ESG issues
  • Increasing role of exchange traded products
  • Monitoring impacts of new and novel disruptions.

So there you go. That’s what’s on IOSCOs mind.

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