BroadPeak Partners announces K3 can now be used to seamlessly manage price movements from ZEMA, a leading enterprise market data warehouse for energy and commodities. Trading firms relying on ZEMA for market prices can now leverage K3 to manage the distribution of ZEMA data throughout their enterprise. This gives firms a single point of control for all downstream interfaces, instant connections to internal applications, and real-time insight into any data transmission failures.
“ZEMA is one of the fastest growing price and market data repositories. K3’s interface makes it very easy to get this pricing and analytical power to downstream applications where it can be leveraged,” said Vivek Pathak, BroadPeak’s COO.
K3 gives the business instant insight into data that has flowed and alerts them when corrective action is required. It further gives them a simple interface to function as air traffic controller over the network of data being sent from ZEMA to many downstream systems. Lastly, it significantly accelerates any ZEMA implementation as interfaces with K3 Server take 30% of the effort of building a single point-to-point interface.
Looking to harness your market data infrastructure or accelerate your ZEMA implementation? Contact us and we can help.