K3 vs. Axway: Which is Better?

Sharp Contrast Between K3 and Axway

K3’s suite of tools, connectors, and integrations give users more options:

  • K3’s low-code structure removes potential bottlenecks in data analysis by removing the dependency on IT specialists to perform ETL functions. Axway operates in a high-code, high-learning-curve environment.

  • Axway focuses on older file-structured technology. K3 offers an updated approach to file-based and EDI functionality but also state-of-the-art ETL for API-dependent processes.

  • Axway’s EDI interface lacks flexibility and connectivity. K3 supports EDI systems while building powerful connections between them and modern file formats, databases, and systems.



K3’s low-code puts data orchestration in the hands of business strategists, rather than software techs.

K3 harnesses the power of modern ETL functions; Axway seems to be stuck in the 1990s.

K3 maintains connectivity with legacy EDI systems for integration with healthcare, fashion, and other industries where this technology is still used widely.

The Platforms

K3’s low-code interface and integration with all major databases, ecommerce platforms, trading, messaging, CRM, and ERP systems assures you can get the data you need quickly, transform it to the format your downstream components need, and combine and analyze it to generate the business insights that create sustainable competitive advantage.

Axway offers cloud integration, IT consulting, digital transformation, and computer programming services. It specializes in managed file transfer and B2B integrations 

Amplify is Axway’s ETL product.

In-Depth Side-by-Side Feature Comparison

Key Differentiators




K3 employs modern data integration solutions to enable more sophisticated data transformation and analysis. These modern techniques require fewer resources, perform calculation and analysis tasks more quickly, and are more scalable than EDI-based procedures.

K3 uses application programming interfaces (APIs) that resume code components to create shared taxonomy among program and database communications.

Axway cast its lot with electronic data interchange (EDI), a technology that peaked in the 1990s.The company seems to have stopped investing in its integration product around that time.As a result, Axway’s ETL process remains founded on legacy workflow and data management. Today’s enterprises depend on faster, more streamlined solutions that transcend EDI’s file-based structure. Relying on EDI means Axway does not offer deep support for more advanced ETL capabilities and performance.

Expertise Required

K3 ETL’s low-code options empower users with the pre-loaded cases and tasks they need to perform their ETL and data formatting tasks. This simplifies the input required – mostly just the creation and integration of ETL pipelines – so managers and strategists rather than IT professionals can create the reports and analytics companies want.

K3’s low-code ETL processes establish repeatable workflows and automate much of the data capture and routing, reducing errors and permitting more efficient resource allocation.

The unforgiving nature of EDI code conventions, standards, and extraction and loading protocols makes it difficult for non-techies to build downstream connectors and create solutions for validating or reformatting data. Even IT professionals often find it necessary to complete Axway’s specialized certification program in order to master the complicated process. This complexity extends the time required to build EDI workflow rules, launching projects, and evaluating the results generated by transformed data.


K3 connects to hundreds of CRM and ERP s,  there are now less costly, more flexible and more scalable ways to do B2B transactions. K3 is scalable along multiple formats, including the popular JSON and XML document-transfer platforms used by many accounting, finance, marketing, and ERP applications. When required, K3 seamlessly converts these formats to and from EDI, but its real strength lies in bypassing EDI altogether in situations where both the source and destination accommodate the more advanced technologies.

Axway has an unfortunately limited warehouse of connectors and ETL functionality. Part of the problem stems from EDI’s multiple standards and the need to maintain and revise  connections to the standards to which specific data warehouses and downstream applications adhere.

The bigger issue is that many companies rely on legacy systems for mission-critical tasks, but receive input data from sources that have long left EDI behind. Using an ETL provider that fails to create viable connectors for every situation and component matrix is a recipe for disaster.

Making the Connection

The real difference makers between K3 and Axway are K3 prebuilt APIs that connect directly Snowflake, Redshift, and other data storage and sources to facilitate rapid data collection and deposit. Whether you need to flow archetypal data forms, semi-structured, or non-conformist data, and no matter its destination, K3 connectors will prepare it and conform it to the structure required so it can be piped to your data warehouse, operational databases, or data lake.

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