That Was Then, This Is Now
K3 integrates seamlessly with heritage systems as well as the most sophisticated downstream enterprise applications. Heritage or legacy systems are often bolted-on specialty components designed to address specific functions or work around unexpected hiccups.
Integrating heritage (legacy) components presents a challenge for both in-house teams and even most software vendors themselves. But not for K3. Our platform includes a full complement of plugins, connectors and adapters that link with all the leading APIs, databases, data lakes and files types. K3 integrates flawlessly with Redshift, Snowflake, SAP, Oracle, and all common and not-so-common business intelligence and ERP systems. K3’s extensions cover the vast majority of your data communication needs right out of the box. Our professional technicians do the rest. They will make all necessary adjustments and customizations and demonstrate to your team how each upstream and downstream system connects to your on-premises, cloud-based or hybrid data integration platform.
The K3 platform includes a full complement of plugins, connectors and adapters that link with all the leading APIs, databases, lakes and files types.
Low Code, Low Maintenance
Perhaps best of all, K3 takes care of all the system maintenance to keep your data extraction, transformation and loading running smoothly. If you’re like most data-driven enterprises, you constantly strive to improve your IT department’s productivity and responsiveness. Efficiency is a pipe dream, especially when everyone is scrambling around trying to local raw data, cleanse and massage it into a format each downstream component can use. K3 prevents these brush fires so your team can work to streamline processes and tasks to meet responsiveness goals. K3’s low-code environment minimizes the risk of communication breakdowns and interface snafus and automates many functions. The platform and K3’s experts maintain the integrity of each data stream, as well as every handoff between storage, operational, and strategic systems.
Read About the Low-Code Advantage

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