
Stay on top of the energy and commodities trading regulatory landscape — explore the latest trends, tips, and expert insights with BroadPeak’s industry commentary.

two feet and legs sticking out of washing machine

Let’s Talk Wash Trade Compliance

We’ve had a lot of discussion with customers about how compliance should implement a wash trade compliance.  Let’s start from the top: What is a Wash Trade? Well, the CFTC defines a wash trade as: “Entering into, or purporting to enter into, transactions to give the appearance that purchases and sales have been made, without incurring

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people walking on what appears to be a calendar

90 Days Til REMIT

REMIT CHECKLIST Another great article [HERE] by Aviv Handler at the Energy Trading Regulation blog… Some takeaways if you are trading phys gas and power in Europe. 90 Days to Go! Don’t forget to check into key personnel time off. Summer and the back half of September are full of holidays! Talk to your OMPs

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REMIT Regulation | Game of Thrones

Alliances and stratagems. Turns out the political twists and turns of the REMIT regulation, the EU gas and power mandate, is like..”Game of Thrones complicated.” There’s a very full field of new RRMs (HERE). Most are absolutely new to regulatory reporting. But, that’s not what’s keeping people up at night. OMP Fragmentation & Uncertainty =

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Data Plumbing Code | K3 Platform | BroadPeak Partners

Looking for Artists of Code…

We are growing strong at BroadPeak and looking to hire some more key team members.  Do you have experience integrating systems?  Are you a code jedi?  Do you love clojure or other functional languages? Besides the obvious analytical skills that a good developer must have, we particularly look for folks who like having impact on big

Looking for Artists of Code… Read More »

What is an API???

When the Harvard Business Review, a wonderful publication that rarely gets deep in technology “solution-eering”, starts talking about adopting an API strategy, it’s time to lend an ear.  If you have not read it, here it is in full. I’m going to skip over the smart sounding techno-speak of Cambridge for a moment, and head

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Designers will be Data Artists

Here is a great article discussing future transformations for designers.  The future is all about Data.  So if you aren’t yet tired of hearing about BigData, you may soon hit your breaking point.  If this article is correct, it’s only going to be a growing phenomenon. The question for leaders is… How are you empowering

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Architectural element against blue sky

BroadPeak Presenting at ICE’s Trade Reporting Workshop in Calgary

BroadPeak will be presenting at the ICE Trade Reporting workshop in Calgary next week (August 27). Who doesn’t love Calgary in the summer? With compliance officers now focusing on Canadian equivalent of Dodd-Frank regulations, the workshop is a timely resource. The workshop will give participants insight into the regulations, their likely impact as well as

BroadPeak Presenting at ICE’s Trade Reporting Workshop in Calgary Read More »

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Kentucky Fried Counterparty

It’s not new news that BNP Paribas got tagged for nearly $USD9Bn for doing business with Iran, Sudan et al. Doing business with “Specially Designated Nationals” has been a no-no…risky…find yourself Kentucky Fried on that Counterparty since …well, forever. But there are several things happening right now that could be viewed from the beach as

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