
Stay on top of the energy and commodities trading regulatory landscape — explore the latest trends, tips, and expert insights with BroadPeak’s industry commentary.

Legally Robbing Insurance Companies: a Perspective on the Power of Intuitive UX

Think about this: A little unknown insurance company: Lacking any typical insurance rating (AB Best etc) or bona fides; Operating with a tiny (compared to established industry behemoths) marketing budget; With no active agent network; and Not any kind of established track record at all This scrappy startup went from 0 to over $100 million […]

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BroadPeak Expands UK Office to Expedite CME Migration & Firm Also Announces UnaVista Collaboration

BroadPeak Partners, the leading purveyor of K3-driven real-time exchange trade data, regulatory and surveillance reporting, is expanding its London office in response to increased European demand. The firm has appointed Henry Rhodes to oversee UK and EU sales. “There are some really important macro factors that make London an excellent choice for expansion. We are seeing strong

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Data Orchestration for SaaS and Legacy Applications

We’ve written before about the rise of data orchestration, the process by which enterprises connect disparate data sources so information flows to a central repository for further analysis. Using K3 ETL, organizations achieve better enterprise integration of their custom workflows, optimizing operations to allow you to de-silo your data organization. Yet there’s a key difference

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K3 7.0 is here!

A new cloud-native and intuitive user interface, on top of our powerful K3 architecture. We are excited to announce the release of K3 7.0, the latest version of our enterprise platform. K3 7.0 introduces a new web-based client that provides a highly intuitive user experience and includes many new features to assist enterprises in more

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BroadPeak announces K3 Limits update

BroadPeak’s new version of K3 Limits includes customer-focused enhancements for communications, user interface, and data enrichment. K3 Limits will utilize an improved K3 Atlas, an enriched database of contract details, offering customers a more effective way to support compliance activity. K3 Atlas is a BroadPeak service that provides straightforward, uninterrupted API access to a rich

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It’s time to embrace the virtual organization and cloud infrastructure

When we wake up from this mini dystopia, the world will have changed, especially the way companies go about business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) planning. Previously based on natural disaster or cyberattack scenarios, these strategies will need to expand to include new scenarios staring us in the face today. Previously de-prioritized and overlooked

It’s time to embrace the virtual organization and cloud infrastructure Read More »

cat sleeping on laptop

WFH – In Defense of Deliverables

Several years ago BroadPeak started an experiment. We dis-assembled the concept of a workday. No set hours. No set vacation. No requirement to work in the office. We simply focus on deliverables and only deliverables. Today’s pandemic is a sad twist on our work from home efforts.  It’s testing everyone’s resilience.  There have been a

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