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3 Considerations When Preparing Data Using ETL for Snowflake and Redshift

Data is king for small, medium and large organizations alike, but data can also be a monster lurking under the bed. Terms like data lake, ETL (extract, transform, load) and data warehousing sometimes intimidate even the savviest business professionals. No matter how daunting, however, modern data collection isn’t slowing down. By 2025, it is estimated […]

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Why You Should Not Do Data Blending on Your Desktop

Data blending, or the process of combining data sets, is a staple of data prep. As we’ve previously discussed, low code data blending allows non-technical analysts to combine data sets without using SQL or other coding to, creating new efficiency in a process that used to be handled exclusively by IT. Yet there are key

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K3 vs. Axway: Which is Better?

Sharp Contrast Between K3 and Axway K3’s suite of tools, connectors, and integrations give users more options: K3’s low-code structure removes potential bottlenecks in data analysis by removing the dependency on IT specialists to perform ETL functions. Axway operates in a high-code, high-learning-curve environment. Axway focuses on older file-structured technology. K3 offers an updated approach

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Data Integration 2021

There was a time when building your own data integration infrastructure, engine and workflow made sense. Back then, there were few vendors and services that could integrate with the many heritage systems you acquired to manage, calculate, display and activate data. And the ones that did required tons of coding and still delivered data in

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What Is Data Blending?

When you’re working with two or more data sets, you can likely gather more insights by combining them for analysis or visualization. This is particularly advantageous as the sources, locations and types of data increase with your business needs. The process of taking multiple data sets and combining them into one is known as data

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Pros and Cons of Using Redshift in Enterprise IT

The Appeal of Amazon Redshift Amazon’s cloud-based data warehousing service has become one of the leading petabyte-scale stores of data that works with K3 ETL tools. Moreover, with a globally-known company like Amazon developing and maintaining this service, its reputation for service must be top-notch—right? Like its competitor Snowflake, Amazon Redshift has a few big

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Why Choose K3’s Low Code ETL for AWS Redshift Data Orchestration?

Why Choose K3 Low-Code ETL for Data Orchestration AWS Redshift Sophisticated data orchestration and storage require sophisticated solutions. Amazon Redshift has you covered for storage. Its massively parallel processing (MMP) database has set the standard for cloud-based data warehousing. As primarily a data warehouse, however, Redshift is geared to specific, fairly rigid workloads when it

Why Choose K3’s Low Code ETL for AWS Redshift Data Orchestration? Read More »

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What Is the Data Orchestration Process?

What is the Data Orchestration Process? Organizations’ appetite for data never seems to be satisfied. Over the last few years, however, companies’ eyes have grown larger than their stomachs. They spend inordinate time in the kitchen preparing their own data and excessive money on sustenance from gourmet data “chefs.” Meanwhile, their ability to digest all

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The Challenges of SQL ETL

SQL (standard query language) is a powerful domain-specific coding protocol that is used to manage or stream-process data within a relational database management system. It is the gold standard of programming languages and widely used among developers for its ability to manage data in different types of environments where diverse information relationships exist. There is

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Business Response Architecture Part 2 of 2: Here is the Elephant in Your IT Department

We’ve all been to this movie.  Luke Skywalker and company find themselves in an Imperial garbage disposal unit. You know the scene: Leia in a white dress; Han and Luke in white stormtrooper armor. Then the walls start closing in.  We’ve all seen it. It is possibly one of the most iconic scenes in cinematic

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Which is better – Stitch ETL Data Loader or K3 ETL Data Prep & Integration?

The Major Differences between Stitch ETL and K3 ETL Is your organization considering an ETL solution for its data needs? Here is a high-level comparison of the Stitch ETL and K3 ETL platforms to determine which option is a better fit. Ease of use: Stitch ETL is a higher-code environment; K3 visualizes and normalizes data

Which is better – Stitch ETL Data Loader or K3 ETL Data Prep & Integration? Read More »

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The Importance of Establishing an ETL Architecture

There is no denying that data is king. But before the coronation, raw data needs to go through a series of steps so it can effectively be used to help achieve the organization’s goals. ETL (extract, transform, load) is the vehicle that transports raw data to its final destination. It turns “dirty data” into “clean

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