
Stay on top of the energy and commodities trading regulatory landscape — explore the latest trends, tips, and expert insights with BroadPeak’s industry commentary.

five horses grazing in front of stream and mountain

Watch out Trading Shop…there’s a horse bathing upstream!

Financial trading companies are fascinating in that the value of the organization is determined not by physical inventory, but by deals with counterparties whose values fluctuates daily based on external market factors. These deals, or trades, are stored electronically in multiple systems for multiple business purposes. Initially they are stored in a Trading and Risk

Watch out Trading Shop…there’s a horse bathing upstream! Read More »

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person in star wars-inspired costume

Attention Nerdy, Meticulous Folks Who Love to Learn! We are Looking for You!

It’s been almost two years since we launched our flagship software K3 at Tech Crunch Disrupt 2012.  Since then we’ve been having fun building our team and making a splash in the financial services world with some great customer success stories. Our reach is expanding and customers continue to bring us their toughest software integration challenges,

Attention Nerdy, Meticulous Folks Who Love to Learn! We are Looking for You! Read More »

blue truck in front of tree covered cliff and waterfall

EMIR, It Ain’t Pretty

We’ve got multiple EMIR reporting implementations going on right now and its worth commenting on the current state of EMIR trade reporting. After having done a ton of Dodd-Frank reporting implementations, I can tell you that EMIR is turning out to be a bigger headache. Anyone care to put out an over/under on the Feb

EMIR, It Ain’t Pretty Read More »

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EMIR TR Approvals – Two big Omissions

In case you did not already know, last week the European regulatory authority ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) approved 4 of the 6 applicants as official Trade Repositories (TR’s) for derivatives trade reporting under EMIR regulations. We do expect the remaining two to be approved shortly…more on that below. This means the deadline of

EMIR TR Approvals – Two big Omissions Read More »

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two feet dangling off edge of cliff

The Gensler-Chilton Step Down…

Both are stepping down.  Fresh on the heels of position limit and entity aggregation rules.  (More on that later). I’ll get on my soapbox for a minute. The biggest risk for poor outcomes in commodities and derivatives regulation is regulators who do not understand the nuanced details of these products. When you cross complex products

The Gensler-Chilton Step Down… Read More »

trail of wooden steps in a forest

EMIR OTC Trade Reporting Officially Delayed Until February 2014

Keep your betting pools going on the EMIR Trade Reporting deadline. EMIR has officially moved the reporting deadline from Jan 1st 2014 to February 12th 2014 due to delays in approving official Trade Repositories (TR). Apparently some of the TR’s didn’t fill in their applications correctly.  Um…sure…if you say so ESMA. I’d say the delay

EMIR OTC Trade Reporting Officially Delayed Until February 2014 Read More »

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EMIR ETD | “Belay That Order”

News made the rounds last week that ESMA was holding off on requiring ETD deals be reported to TRs until sometime in 2015. Good news, I guess. Leading up to this un-official decision you may have found yourself in the following situations: Trying to convince certain executives that EMIR is a “real deal” and that

EMIR ETD | “Belay That Order” Read More »

Rock climber

Waiting for EMIR

Safe to say the general gestalt of the industry is DOUBT. Officially, companies are supposed to be sending trades over to a “Trade Repository” or TR by January 2014. We are considering taking spread bets. Here’s what we learned from Dodd Frank in the US: TR submission is inextricably linked to the Electronic Confirm Process.

Waiting for EMIR Read More »

hiker sitting on edge of cliff enjoying view

Extract, Transform and Load – Same Syntax, Different Semantics

Our customers use K3 to connect systems efficiently and to consolidate data across a number of systems. Often when evaluating options, they say to us “Of all the ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) software options, yours is by far the easiest and most cost-effective!” Music to my ears you would think, right? Well, kinda…see, there

Extract, Transform and Load – Same Syntax, Different Semantics Read More »

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