BroadPeak Presenting at ICE’s Trade Reporting Workshop in Calgary

BroadPeak will be presenting at the ICE Trade Reporting workshop in Calgary next week (August 27). Who doesn’t love Calgary in the summer?

With compliance officers now focusing on Canadian equivalent of Dodd-Frank regulations, the workshop is a timely resource. The workshop will give participants insight into the regulations, their likely impact as well as ICE trade repository services. In addition Gordon Allott from BroadPeak will be presenting on how to meet the technology challenges of reporting in a session entitled, ‘Canadian Reporting Integration & Implementation’. Gordon will give insight and anecdotes from customer experiences using K3 to automate reporting across North America, Europe and Asia.

Are you attending the workshop? Any burning technology questions that you would like answered?

With participants ranging from physical to financial and from 100 people firms to super majors, it should be a very interesting and rewarding day.

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