Author name: Sharon Reaves

For People Who Love Bad News…

It’s been all good news these days. Makes me think back to high school when I learned about the Stoics. Something to the effect of …destructive emotions are the result of an error in judgement. I suppose it could also be said that errors in judgement are the result of destructive emotions. Either way these

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EU-MAR – More Insight

A really good article here from Baringa. The gist is focus on Policy and Plan. There’s a reason for that. Sure, you want all your order information from all exchanges and market-places. The bad news is that not all of them are remotely ready to go. There’s a little bit of a dark art to

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Corporate Tuberculosis

So, I’m sitting in this meeting at an enormous Fortune 50 company. The general theme of the meeting is “digital transformation” and creating better insight into data for the business. Operations wants something really straightforward: direct access to data for faster turnaround. We’re reviewing the most powerful data technologies in the market and how they

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How To MAR- A Commodities Primer

We’ve  recently had some very interesting conversations with companies about MAR. Despite going live in July 2016, it’s clear that companies are falling into two camps.  Those that are doing their best to ignore it. And, those that are really grappling with some of the finer points of surveilling manipulative behavior. Things like: When does

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rows of random numbers

REMIT Table 1 and Table 2

As we approach the deadline for the next phase of REMIT, K3 stands ready to help you with your tough trades.  Having trouble with Table 2?  Need questions answered? Don’t worry just give our Sales Team a call. We can help you get your REMIT Table 1 and Table 2 trades converted to a conforming

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man jumping off mountain

Euro Insanity

There’s an old saying that insanity is defined by doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. There is no shortage of compliance pain under ESMA, REMIT, MIFID…etc: ESMA recently released an updated EMIR reporting specification which increases the number of  report-able fields by 50% to 129. Everyone has been a bit

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red stop sign in front of bush

2016 | Be Prepared to STOP!

This is the time of year I get prodded to write up a pithy outlook for the year. It seems to be harder this year. Seemingly, like everyone else I have had my “nose to the grindstone” far too long. That and the fact that my crystal ball looks mostly cloudy with a chance of

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Deutsche Takes A Hit

Just saw this press release from the CFTC. Deutsche Bank got fined $2.5 Million for failing to correctly report trades. How Does This Happen? It’s guess work. But a lot of large swaps dealers (and others) decided early on to build their own custom integration over to DTCC, ICE and CME reporting. What they ended

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stone castle on a green rolling hill


Just a couple months ago it might have been anyone’s game.   All the RRMs were out pitching and selling, with great gusto. But as of right now we feel pretty comfortable saying that EFETnet is the round one winner. You really have to hand it to them. EFETnet’s done a spectacular job getting a good


two feet and legs sticking out of washing machine

Let’s Talk Wash Trade Compliance

We’ve had a lot of discussion with customers about how compliance should implement a wash trade compliance.  Let’s start from the top: What is a Wash Trade? Well, the CFTC defines a wash trade as: “Entering into, or purporting to enter into, transactions to give the appearance that purchases and sales have been made, without incurring

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people walking on what appears to be a calendar

90 Days Til REMIT

REMIT CHECKLIST Another great article [HERE] by Aviv Handler at the Energy Trading Regulation blog… Some takeaways if you are trading phys gas and power in Europe. 90 Days to Go! Don’t forget to check into key personnel time off. Summer and the back half of September are full of holidays! Talk to your OMPs

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